Industry topics

Celebrate Valentines Day at The Factory Bar

2025-02-05T12:23:58+10:005 February 2025|Industry topics|

Treat your special someone (or yourself!) this Valentine's Day to a perfect pairing of luxury and indulgence. Our Valentine’s Day options include:  'Mountain Valentine' Signature Cocktail (available at The Factory Bar). Chocolate-dipped strawberries. Our Gin tasting flights feature our four

Lunch at #thefactorybarkatoomba

2025-02-04T11:42:16+10:0025 January 2025|Industry topics|

Breaking News! Lunch is now available on Saturday 12-4pm  at The Factory Bar, Katoomba. Come and enjoy pies from Mountain High Pies- from Chunky Beef, Lamb & Shiraz, Beef & Guinness, Chicken & Mushroom, Spinach and Feta- all served with

Our new copper still arrives!

2025-01-05T17:54:52+10:005 January 2025|Industry topics|

Exciting News! Blue Mountains Gin Company has been awarded a Federal Government Energy Efficiency Grant allowing us to purchase a new energy-efficient still to produce gin and vodka. It is a specialized distillation unit designed to minimize energy consumption while

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